Minoxidil solution and drug, side effects, benefits, extent of effect and how to use for regrowth of hair and beard

Minoxidil solution and drug, side effects, benefits, extent of effect and how to use for regrowth of hair and beard
Minoxidil was originally the name of a pill used to treat high blood pressure. However, one of the side effects of taking this drug was unwanted hair growth. This side effect encouraged researchers to develop a local herbal medicine for the treatment of hair loss and the results of the research indicate the effectiveness of this drug in the treatment of hair loss. In some countries, this drug is also made in other forms, such as foam and has been given to people to solve the problem of hair loss.
Topical minoxidil is used to treat male-pattern hair loss and female pattern hair loss. However, sometimes it can also be useful in treating other hair loss patterns such as alopecia areata, hair strengthening after hair transplantation or hair loss treatment as a result of chemotherapy. Note that minoxidil is a treatment for hair loss and it can not completely solve this problem. Therefore, when the patient stops taking the drug, most likely, all the hair grown on his head as a result of taking the drug gradually falls over a period of 90 days and will not continue to grow.
In order to permanently treat hair loss, our specialists in Renaissance hair transplant clinic recommend the use of methods such as mesotherapy, laser therapy, and platelet-rich plasma injection (PRP) and if these treatments are not successful, hair transplant methods are used for patients. For more information on the types of medications that can be used for hair loss issues, click here.
Minoxidil is a drug produced in two ways to treat two different problems. Oral minoxidil is used to treat high blood pressure and topical minoxidil has a specific application in the treatment of hair loss and baldness.
Minoxidil was originally approved by the American Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of androgenetic hair loss. Before this time, this drug was used to treat blood problems as an oral pill to treat high blood pressure whose side effects included hair growth and baldness. Knowing this medicine for the treatment of baldness is due to its overall effect on beauty goals and full recovery of hair on the head. In fact, minoxidil can stimulate hair growth in different areas of the head and cause hair growth in trouble spots.
People who have an unusual or allergic reaction to minoxidil or propylene glycol (a chemical inactive material in the minoxidil solution) should not use the topical solution of minoxidil. In addition, people who have had previous allergic reactions to hair preservatives or dyeing can also be at risk of allergic reaction to this substance.
People who use cortisone or drugs such as cortisone (corticosteroids), vaseline, or trantinin on their heads, talk and consult with your doctor before using minoxidil. In fact, the use of any of these drugs, along with minoxidil, can result in excessive intake of the drug by the body and increase the risk of side effects. In addition, people with problems or inflammation of the scalp like somnolence may also experience similar problems with this drug.
As an oral medication, the minoxidil prescribed for high blood pressure should only be taken under the supervision of a doctor so that a large amount of the drug is not absorbed by the body. In fact, taking excessive amounts of this drug can exacerbate the symptoms of the problem and side effects such as increased blood pressure for the patient.
Note that the effects of taking minoxidil can be transmitted from mother to baby through lactation. Therefore, lactating women should not take this medication.
Drug Explaination
Minoxidil is a topical solution containing 2% or 5% propylene glycol for treatment of hair loss. Propylene glycol ensures that minoxidil is spread throughout the entire area of the head and is easily absorbed into the skin. Since 2001, a 5% solution of this drug has been approved for use by the US Food and Drug Administration for hair loss treatment. Therefore, approximately 1 ml of minoxidil solution is applied daily to the scalp using fingertips or other appropriate tools. This solution should be treated at the center of the area and spread out to the outside.
Prior to using topical minoxidil, the person's hair and face should be cleaned and dried.
Post-treatment care
The hands and the parts of the body that the patient does not seek to grow hair on, should be washed immediately after contact with the topical minoxidil solution. Afterwards, the minoxidil solution should be exposed to dry air and remain on the head for about two to four hours before using the cover on the head, hat, or go to bed. In addition, it is always possible to be carried over from the head to the dress or pillow and through which other parts of the body are exposed that does not require hair growth on them. In addition, hair straighteners or other fast-drying methods should not be used during drug use, because doing so will disrupt the absorption of the drug by the skin. Therefore, people who take this medication should not wash their heads for at least 4 hours after taking this medication.
Normal results
Topical drug minoxidil is much more effective in treating baldness on the head compared to other parts of the body. Minoxidil does not have the same therapeutic efficacy for all people and we can not be sure of the result. Clinical research conducted on the effectiveness of this drug indicate a therapeutic effect of about 48% for male pattern baldness which results in moderate to dense hair growth in treated areas. The results of these studies also indicate that hair growth is limited due to the use of this drug in 36% of subjects. While 16% of the subjects did not see improvement in hair growth conditions as a result of taking the drug. It should be noted that the findings are about the effectiveness of this drug among women is similar to that of men.
In both women and men, hair regrowth usually only begins when the patient regularly uses the drug for at least 4 months. However, the first signs of the effectiveness of this drug will be seen almost 90 days after starting the drug. At this time, the person finds that the hair loss is significantly lower than the start of treatment.
When hair regrowth starts, the first hair grown in the treatment site may be soft and it is hard to see. For some patients, these conditions can reflect the effectiveness of treatment. This condition is while for other people, hair regrowth may begin with color and thickness similar to other hair on the head.
Is it possible to use minoxidil to treat face and beard hair loss
Yes, for some people, this method can definitely be used to treat hair loss in the face. As shown in the images below, this medication can be effective in removing the regional hair loss of the beard and mustache. However, note that this treatment may not have the proper results for some people. In fact, this medication is effective only for hair growth in certain areas of the body where the hair follicle really exists. Therefore, if hair follicles are destructed in the affected areas, the use of this medication can not help rejuvenate the hair in these areas. Therefore, the best suggestion for these people is to use a beard and mustache hair transplant method.
The most common side effect of minoxidil is the incidence of itching and skin inflammation in the treated area. In addition, unwanted hair growth may be observed in areas around the treated areas or places where the drug has been unwantedly reached to for several times. This unwanted growth of hair in other areas may be particularly worrying for women when hair growth is seen in the face. Note that feeling of itching and skin inflammation gradually disappears after about two weeks of treatment. However, if these symptoms continued after this period, the medication should be stopped until the consultant with doctor.
Other very rare side effects of topical or oral administration of minoxidil which is caused by excessive absorption of this drug by the body, are as follows:
Change in vision and blurred vision
Pain in the chest
Very low blood pressure
Decreased libido
Irregular or fast heartbeat
Skin lamination
Anesthesia or burning of hands, feet, or face
Limited or complete disability
Fast weight gain
Swelling of arms, legs, or face

Treatment for hair loss and hair strengthening:
Treatment for hair loss and hair strengthening in addition to the hair transplant in the Renaissance clinic is done in a variety of ways, each of which can not, of course, be able to combine these two factors together. But if the design of the above methods is packaged, then the result will be positive and excellent. In the following, we describe briefly the methods of hair loss treatment and hair strengthening in the Renaissance clinic:
Platelet-enriched plasma therapy, which aims to stimulate the scalp as well as hair follicles, is called PPP. In this method, some blood is taken and after the separation of the platelets, they are placed in the centrifuges for screening that ultimately, platelet-enriched plasma is injected at the desired points.
The process by which multiple microscopic injections are performed on the skin surface is called mesotherapy. The main advantage of this method is that reinforcement materials enter the area directly and also not injected through other areas which reduces its effect. The most important applications of mesotherapy include hair loss treatment and hair strengthening.
Laser therapy:
The safest process for hair loss and hair strengthening is laser therapy. Laser therapies stop hair loss and even sometimes it reverses this process, it also promotes hair strengthening as well as hair growth. It is worth noting that this process is painless and without side effects and over time, it also causes the hair to get bloated.
Vitamin therapy:
Vitamins have had an effective role in hair loss and hair strengthening since the past but the point is that what type of vitamin and how long it should be taken to be effective, note that most people who tend to consume vitamins take it per se and they use all the vitamins while taking vitamins should be supervised by the doctor and more importantly, it should be the individual's physical condition.
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